We were thrilled to welcome Heather Ratliff, The Wellness RN to our FUEL discussion. Heather is a Registered Nurse and Health Coach. Heather is passionate about helping people dig through all the information and discover a what healthy lifestyle really looks like... and how to get there.
In our "Mind Games and Food" discussion, Heather talked about the barriers we are up against when it comes to eating healthy. We have printed handouts at Just Move or if you contact us, we will email you the PDF.
Some food for thought from Heather Ratliff:
- The most sacred thing you do for your health is go to the grocery store. (think about that for a minute - Wow!)
- About 8 hours of your day should be getting good sleep, 1 hour should be spent on food preparation, about 30 minutes should be exercising and 30 minutes on mindfulness/stress management. That leaves 14 hours left in your day! How are you spending your time?
- Four keys to a healthy lifestyle: 1) 80-90% of your food should come from a plant - this includes nuts, whole grains fruits and veggies. 2) Move - exercise every day! 3) Sleep - consistently getting 6-8 hours every night 4) Stress management - find ways to practice mindfulness and relieve stress
- Food as a form of entertainment is a very recent change - just in the last 40 years. Many of our grandparents ate the same things every week. How does that impact the choices we make now? Our bodies haven't adapted well to this change...
- Healthcare statistics are staggering... 75% of healthcare dollars are spent on health related diseases!
Additional resources:
- Contact Heather Ratliff, The Wellness RN at TheWellnessRN@gmail.com or 269-303-0847 or visit her web site at www.TheWellnessRN.com
- Eating Well - www.eatingwell.com
- 100 Days of Real Food - www.100daysofrealfood.com